
Force Plate for Monitoring & Testing
Force Plate use in performance monitoring and sport science testing
Force plates are useful for examining the kinetic characteristics of an athlete’s movement. They provide information about the external forces involved in a movement that can aid a coach or sport scientist in quantitatively evaluating the athlete’s execution of a skill or his/her physical development. Obtaining data of the highest quality and minimising error requires an understanding of the inner workings of a force plate, as well as the process by which data is transferred, processed and analysed. Knowledge of these helps validate whether the results produced are representative of what is actually happening on the force plate rather than an error.
What is measured?
Force plates measure ground reaction forces. If we know the frequency of the force data, we can then perform additional measurements that provide us with far more information about human movement. Velocity (m/s)
Power (Watts) | Displacement (metres) | Temporal Parameters (seconds) | Left/Right Asymmetry (for bilateral systems)
The Countermovement Jump (CMJ)
A CMJ is used to measure an athlete's maximal vertical jumping ability and a measure of lower body neuromuscular power.

Biodex Machine Testing
The fastest way to identify, treat and document the physical impairments that cause functional limitations.
Combining the art and science of rehabilitation - the Biodex System 4 continues to offer pioneering breakthroughs in neuromuscular testing and rehabilitation technology. Biodex assessments of physical impairments provide patients with a fast, effective, documented return to function. The Biodex System 4 is unusually sensitive to your patient's limits. Progressive and interactive features keep you in complete control. Dynamic and static muscle-loading environments provide unlimited combinations of techniques and applications.

Muscle testing technology that fits in the palm of your hand. The wireless microFET2 Digital Dynamometer Handheld Muscle Tester is an accurate, portable Force Evaluation and Testing (FET) device. It is designed specifically for taking objective, reliable, and quantifiable muscle testing measurements. The microFET2 Digital Dynamometer aids in the diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment of neuromuscular disorders.

Pressure Air Biofeedback System
PAB® (Pressure Air Biofeedback) uses air to measure muscle performance in a simple and scientific way. PAB® is a portable device used for clinical and high-performance testing including biofeedback while exercising. PAB® measures strength as well as various other physical parameters in a valid and reliable way.
PAB® measures:
Muscle Performance | Muscle Strength Imbalances | In microsecond intervals or 100 recordings per second | The strength and performance of multiple muscles in the body, such as leg, hip, chest, shoulder, neck, arm, hand, finger, posture, etc.

InBody Composition Analysis
We offer full body composition assessments with our InBody Body Composition Analysis system. This system calculates your body’s fat, lean muscle mass, basal metabolic weight, water retention and muscle mass in your arms, legs and trunk. Once we have all of this information, we are able to formulate a well-established, individualised exercise plan based on what YOU need to help you achieve the results you are looking for.

Lung Function
Lung function tests are an important part of our clinical review of patients with respiratory conditions. Spirometry is a simple test to help diagnose and monitor certain lung conditions by measuring how much air you can breathe out in one forced breath.

Vitality Fitness Assessments
We perform Discovery Vitality fitness assessments individually as well as hosting two to three yearly Vitality Days where we do Vitality assessments for the entire day. During our yearly Vitality Days, we also have a nurse and a dietician that works with us to give you more complete feedback on blood pressure, cholesterol and glucose levels as well as help with your daily diet.

Multiply Fitness Assessments
We perform Momentum Multiply fitness assessments, designed to more accurately predict your overall level of health-related fitness. Because of this personalisation to your health, Multiply has included a measure of strength and has removed a few tests which are not good measures of your fitness.
Your fitness assessment is an additional way to unlock your Momentum product rewards - Myriad, Momentum Medical Scheme and FundsAtWork.